Tag: Bungie

Destiny 2 Beyond light on Stadia soon

Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC is Google Stadia’s first pre-order item

Destiny 2 was a flagship game for the Google Stadia launch advertising so it’s no surprise that a DLC for it is the first item for pre-order on the platform. Beyond Light is the upcoming expansion for Destiny 2 where an old “friend” from the first game returns  to the series. Not only this, Beyond Light will bring worlds and missions from the first game into Destiny 2.

It’s a big DLC for Destiny 2 so it’s only right that this be the first pre-order item on the Google Stadia platform. This might not seem signifiant to some but it shows Google is now willing to start allowing for more pre-orders on their cloud based subscription service. Which is also something that should attract more developers and encourage larger developers to release games for this platform too.

Beyond Light will be releasing on September 22nd and is now available for pre-order. However, Stadia will be handling it slightly differently. Google Stadia is bundling the new DLC with the base Destiny 2 game for free. Those who don’t yet have the game but want to try it and buy the new expansion for immediate access to the base game and some pre-order content too.