ESO on Stadia

Elder Scrolls Online Review

Roleplay games (RPG) are the talk of the town nowadays. But it is not the first time RPGs have seen the spotlight. The RPG format was extremely popular in the early 2000s but its hype died down a bit, as a result of gamers moving to other games. However, action role play games returned with all their glory in the 2010s, and this time they made use of the internet. You see, by using the internet and joining players from all across the globe, developers introduced an element of competitiveness among the gaming community. All the hardcore gamers flocked towards online gaming and seeing that ZeniMax Online Studios quickly developed the Elder Scrolls Online action role-playing game.

Elder Scrolls Online was released back in 2014 by Bethesda Softworks but the game is still relevant thanks to its online multiplayer functionality. The game transformed from an RPG to the massively popular MMORPG, meaning millions of players could play together with their favorite game in one place.

Elder Scrolls Online Stadia Gameplay

The Elder Scrolls game series is quite old. It has been around for 26 years, which means you must have had some kind of exposure from the game in your childhood. It was and still is a popular game that attracts both young and old gamers. The Elder Scrolls Online is like every other modern game from the franchise except that you can only play it online and as a multiplayer. The developers have not yet introduced a mode for single players but that is to be expected soon.

You get to choose a character at the beginning of the game. The game allows you to choose from three categories: Human, Elf, and Bestial Races. Each of these races has subcategories that can define your character. Once you have a base, the game asks you to choose a class for your character, so you can either turn it into a Templar, Necromancer, Sorcerer, or Nightblade among other options.

Each class has special attributes and powers that you can harness to bring the course of the game in your favor.

ESO Stadia Graphics

The Elder Scrolls Online is a great way to enjoy the legendary game in a modern setting. The gameplay allows you to meet and interact with other players, fighting against them to determine who’s the best.

Elder Scrolls Online

We've found the Stadia version to the best of them all with great overall performance (excluding FPS) and cross-play with the PC version. A must play if you enjoy similar games or have previously played the PC version.

Elder Scrolls Online've found the Stadia version to the best of them all with great overall performance (excluding FPS) and cross-play with the PC version. A must play if you enjoy similar games or have previously played the PC version.
Elder Scrolls OnlineRoleplay games (RPG) are the talk of the town nowadays. But it is not the first time RPGs have seen the spotlight. The RPG format was extremely popular in the early 2000s but its hype died down a bit, as a result of gamers moving to other games. However, action role play games returned with […]Elder Scrolls Online ReviewWe've found the Stadia version to the best of them all with great overall performance (excluding FPS) and cross-play with the PC version. A must play if you enjoy similar games or have previously played the PC version.Category: Review, , , ,
Sam Rogers
State of Stadia
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Located not far from Mountain View, Sam is a huge Google fan and is currently studying at Carnegie Mellon University. He enjoys photography, learning about new technology and the development process involved.

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