Doom Eternal on Stadia
Image: Id Software

Stadia does not need everyone to succeed

When Google Stadia was shown at the Game Developers Conference, many noticed the distinct lack of big game reveals. The only one being Doom: Eternal which was not even shown running on the platform.

There is a mixture of responses from developers in regards to streaming games. Ragnar Tørnquist the founder of Red Thread Games told the Guardian that he was always “super-sceptical about streaming games” and the main issue of people not having good enough internet is not longer a huge issue.

Tørnquist points out “half of people do have internet good enough” meaning that Stadia doesn’t actually need to include everyone with internet access. It just needs enough people. Which does follow the idea that many consumers will be excluded from using such a platform.

Sean Krankel of Night School Studio (Oxenfree) pointed out that they say a huge sale increase after putting Oxenfree on the Xbox Game Pass. For sales on Xbox and elsewhere. So there is less fear surround subscription services now that it’s been made clear how well gamers respond to it.

Right now there is no information on the pricing. No confirmation on whether or not players will own those games, if they’ll need to re-buy games they already own across different devices or if it will be a subscription service.


Matt started playing games after his Dad won an Nintendo 64 back in the late 90s, enjoying classics such as Super Mario 64, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Since then, he’s enjoyed all kinds of games and has always wanted to work with them in some way. He now writes about them for State of Stadia and has contributed to other gaming blogs. He's extremely interested in Stadia and always looking for more information upcoming Stadia features and games.

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