A range of devices for Stadia
Image: Google

Publishers can add their own subscription services to Google Stadia

During E3 at a liveshow, Google Stadia lead Phil Harrison revealed that publishers on Stadia had the capability to include their own subscriptions on Stadia. This works in a similar way to other services such as a cable TV package or Amazon Prime. Buying into Amazon Prime means you must pay a subscription fee for that but you can also buy or rent products directly from Amazon and purchase other subscriptions also.

Not every publisher will want to make some kind of subscription service. Many will not be large enough or have a big enough catalogue to make it creating a subscription service worthwhile. However, we many see more coming in the future for larger publishers and potentially even distributors over the coming years.

Stadia will be launching in November and the Uplay+ subscription service from Ubisoft will be releasing in September. More news regarding the subscription service will come in the following months.

Located not far from Mountain View, Sam is a huge Google fan and is currently studying at Carnegie Mellon University. He enjoys photography, learning about new technology and the development process involved.

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