stadia developers help

Google Stadia Porting Toolkit will bring more Windows PC games to Stadia

Google has announced a new toolkit for developers aimed at PC games. The new software is designed to help developers bring their PC games to the Stadia platform. Announced on a Google Developers livestream on YouTube, we know a bit about what to expect.

The Stadia Porting Toolkit will help to bring more DirectX games to the cloud gaming platform and to make the process both easier and faster. Using this toolkit, it allows games to be ported to Google Stadia without needing to specifically redesign their games for Stadia.

This is great news for Google Stadia users and developers looking to take advantage of the new revenue systems being introduced. However, the toolkit source code could also be used to convert 32-bit titles into 64-bit ones which is a big deal for preserving older games.

Matt started playing games after his Dad won an Nintendo 64 back in the late 90s, enjoying classics such as Super Mario 64, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Since then, he’s enjoyed all kinds of games and has always wanted to work with them in some way. He now writes about them for State of Stadia and has contributed to other gaming blogs. He's extremely interested in Stadia and always looking for more information upcoming Stadia features and games.

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